Ride Together

Making safer cities for cyclist

Ride Together aims to create a cycling friendly city and present cycling as a viable transportation medium for everyone. There is a gender disparity amongst cyclists for day-to-day activities. We studied the perception of women and identified lack of safety and sense of community as reasons for their less frequent use. Hence, our service is targeted to promote their confidence. The service is a culmination of the following

The challenge

Cyclists are forced to road in the pedestrian lane or car roads due to a lack of infrastructure of cycling roads. For some people, not only the infrastructure, but also the safety of certain areas are reasons not to consider cycling as a transportation, excluding actual cyclists from the free road usage.


  • collaborationComune di Milano
  • dateApril 2018
  • Team members:
  • Andrea Botia
  • Pelin Caliskan
  • Shree Priya
  • Marlenne Escalante



Understanding cyclists needs

To have an approach with our main user, we attend a Massa Marmocchi cycling event in Milano. Where we had the chance to talk with members and leaders of the club. After that information seeking we conclude that this cluster of people (cycling passionates) do cycling as a community. Cycling gives them the power to take the streets and feel part of the transportation system.

On the other hand, we had the chance to talk with people in Upcycle cafe. This cluster of people is not really part of a cycling club, but they do cycling to go to work, school, meetings, etc.


Information Map (Personas)


City of Milan map made by the people interviewed


The solution


Bike Bell

By attaching this device to your bike, you will contribute to the city by marking the safe and unsafe areas where you cycle. You can also ask for assistance in an SOS situation to the closest Safe House to you.



Mobile App

With the mobile app users are able to see their safe and unsafe areas in their city map and share it with their cycling community. They will also be able to see the closest safe houses, rewards and special promotions related to cycling clubs.







The dashboard is ment to be used by the Comune di Milano. By tracking user’s safe and unsafe areas in the city, the Comune team could have a data collection of the areas where to start building new cycling roads. The desitions they would take, will be based on the data collected.

How does the service work?

The service starts at government centres and private distribution centres where the rider is issued with a Ride Together Bike Device. It is a low energy Bluetooth device that is paired with the mobile application. Through the device, the cyclist can mark safe and unsafe areas while also having a help button that calls from assistance from help centres in cases of emergency like a flat trye etc. This device also glows when it passes another device, creating a perception of security and community. At the end of the day, users can see their safe and unsafe areas, create new routes avoiding unsafe areas and share those routes with other users.
Through the device and feedbacks of the application, the commune will be able to monitor and analyze qualitative data.



Service Blue Print

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